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Technology-assisted Care Traps Webinar

Friday, June 26, 2020 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

This is a webinar.

Target Audience: Counselors, Clinical Supervisors, Administrative/Leadership Staff


What have we already learned and some common “traps” providers may come across in the delivery of Technology-assisted Care (TAC). This will cover a variety of issues from disconnected calls to potential missteps by clinicians in a TAC arena.

1. Identify ways to deliver quality TAC care

2. Develop ideas in regard to staff skills and needs for TAC care


This webinar will be 30 minutes with an additional 15 minutes of Q&A with IDHS/SUPR.

.75 CEUs will be awarded.

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IISUP III: A Framework for Prevention

Wednesday, June 24 - Thursday, June 25, 2020 09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

This is a webinar.

IISUP III: A Framework for Prevention introduces Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) Substance Use Prevention Program (SUPP) providers to the prevention specialist’s role in service delivery. Participants will be introduced to strategies for program planning, capacity-building, implementation, and evaluation. Participants will also learn about their role in prevention, including an exploration of ethical issues related to their personal and professional conduct.


This is a virtual classroom training conducted in two online sessions. Participants must complete IISUP I: Welcome to Prevention, before registering for this course.

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ASAM Criteria Implementation Leader: Three-day Training Webinar

Monday, June 22 - Wednesday, June 24, 2020 08:30 AM - 04:30 AM

ASAM Criteria Implementation Leader: Three-day Training Webinar June 22-24,2020, 

Target Audience: Clinical Supervisors and Administrative/Leadership Staff

*Two-day ASAM Criteria Skill Building training is a prerequisite.

This training is learning about processes and models for assessing the field, the equipment and what needs to change to support the new model. As leaders in their communities and their programs, in addition to their clinical knowledge, Implementation Leaders are the “foot soldiers” for The ASAM Criteria implementation process. Implementation Leaders develop awareness about thoughtful planning, communication and appropriate system change strategies to drive implementation and sustainability, as well as coaching and supervising others on the Criteria.

  • Each participant receives 2 hours of coaching calls post training.
  • Coaching calls are available for only the six months following the last day of training. Participants will receive instructions on scheduling at the training.
  • To receive the CEU’s and the certificate of completion participants must complete the 2 hours of calls within the six month time frame noted above.
  • All participants receive an in-depth training journal to guide the training experience and as a resource for continuing skill application, as part of the training.



Registration is a 3-step process:

1. Click the training date below to register for this training. You will receive an email confirmation that step one is complete. 


2. The confirmation email will include a link to complete step two and three of your registration with TRAIN FOR CHANGE and GOTOWEBINAR. Please be sure to complete part two and three of this registration.




If you have any questions please contact Kylie Crouse by email or by phone 1.800.252.8951 ext:123

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How Much, How Often and Why? Webinar

Tuesday, June 16, 2020 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

This is a webinar.

Target Audience: Counselors, Clinical Supervisors, Administrative/Leadership Staff

Existing structures like the ASAM Criteria determine levels of care and intensity of services, how can this structure be used as a broad framework when considering the amount, type(s) and frequency of service delivered in Technology-assisted Care (TAC). The “why”, “what’s the goal” and the “what are the activities” will be discussed.


1. Understand how to re-think intensity and type of care in a TAC model

2. Conceptualize how the “3 W’s” can be used to conceptualize a plan of care


This webinar will be 30 minutes with an additional 15 minutes of Q&A with IDHS/SUPR.

.75 CEUs will be awarded.

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What does the Recovery Environment now Mean? Webinar

Tuesday, June 16, 2020 03:00 PM - 03:45 PM

This is a webinar.

Target Audience: Counselors, Clinical Supervisors, Administrative/Leadership Staff


Recovery capital is the internal and external resources that a person can draw upon to initiate and sustain recovery. A person’s recovery capital includes their physical health, financial assets, health insurance, problem solving capacities, self-efficacy, hopefulness, interpersonal relationships and community resources. This session will explore how providers can assess and attend to a person’s recovery capital during a time when previous resources may not be available or may look different as well as how to help connect patients with novel resources using an empowering style of education.



1. Understand dimensions of recovery capital

2. Learn how to assess and attend to a person’s recovery capital and how to connect patients with novel resources in an empowering style


This webinar will be 30 minutes with an additional 15 minutes of Q&A with IDHS/SUPR.

.75 CEUs will be awarded.

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